Hello, I'm Michael...
This is my story...
After working in education and mental health for over two decades, I realized that we need more than just talk therapy and good advice.
Many of us are starving for a push out of the mundane.
A transformation towards empowerment.
My education background began with a Bachelor’s degree in History Teaching (BA) and a Masters in Education (MEd). Initially, I taught teenagers in public school for 10 years then moved to the private school setting where I was the teacher, administrator, and janitor. In 2013, after a major career change, I pursued a second Masters degree in Marriage and Family Counseling (MFC) and then a Doctorate in Educational Psychology (PhD).
While important, these degrees only helped me understand the physical and psychological dimensions of the human experience, but only in the traditional sense. I needed to close the gap between between societal 'realities' and the multi-dimensional realities I knew were in existence.
From an early age, I recognized my physical body as a distinct living organism separate from my consciousness. I discovered the power of communicating with my individual cells, organs, and bodily systems. By tuning into my body's frequencies, I learned to address issues like allergy attacks, heartburn, and muscle cramps. I was able to communicate with my body and organs in order to aid it in distress and even enhance a situations.
We all have this ability within.
My spiritual journey began in the Christian faith, where I was ordained as a spiritual leader at an early age and underwent lengthy seminary training. I became a "truth seeker" and devoted my life to seeking out truth and learning as much as I could. Through many years of temple rituals and spiritual ceremonies, my study of symbolism, scripture, and mythology heavily enlightened my day-to-day life.
In 2018, after having had many transformational spiritual experiences, I embarked on a five-year "existential/identity crisis," renouncing organized religion for a more individualized spiritual path. This exploration led me to appreciate ALL ancient rituals, ceremonies, and spiritualities from around the world; many of which had been tainted by modern perversions and my own indoctrinations. If there was a God, I sincerely realized that it would want me to venture out on my own, unadulterated, and put my knowledge to the test. Thus began my exploration of the human experience without any loyalty to an institution, but rather to my own true Self. I quickly realized that truth was everywhere and in everything; that there wasn't a 'one truth to rule them all' hidden in a book somewhere high in the Himalayas.
Around this time, I began to experience the dreaded 'mid-life crisis' along with severe career burnout that lasted well over 3 years. It truly was 'A Dark Night of the Soul' experience. But there was hope on the horizon. Due to her tenacious drive and powerful intuitive gifts, my wife was able to build an amazing community and business that allowed us to pay the bills and travel the globe; thus beginning my journey up and out of the dismal despair. In a very short amount of time, I had countless transformative experiences: I participated in powerful transcendental meditations, received multi-dimensional energy sessions, worked on very specific manifestations with my Higher Power and other spiritual beings (with the aid of ancient and modern plant medicines).
Traveling the globe gave me the opportunity to experience powerful initiation rituals and ceremonies in many sacred locations: from the beaches and mountains of California to the lush paradise of Hawaii; from the rolling hills of New Zealand and Australia, to the boroughs of New York City. I even found myself in the spiritually charged countryside of Glastonbury and Avebury England. With the crux, being symbolically reborn in the city of London, England, taking my first steps in Greenwich across the Prime Meridian as a new, reborn person.
My Higher Power took me through so many powerful initiations and activations in such a short amount of time that there wasn't any time for me to back away. I now feel more empowered in my divine masculine than I ever have in my life. With a renewed sense of purpose, I move forward to help others have the best human experience they can while living in this reality.
Thus began a new era of my life, forever transformed.
And so can you.
Reach your potential with Michael
1-on-1 Sessions
Many people find that ongoing, personalized therapeutic support is essential for their growth and transformation.
1-on-1 coaching is customized to meet your unique needs, and is available both in-person and via Zoom for your convenience.
Experiential Sessions
We often need something that will activate a transformational shift in our lives. Today, many people are turning to ancient and modern medicines in order to activate their mind and heart to reach new levels of realization.
Sessions available for both individuals and couples.