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A Holistic Approach 

This approach addresses all aspects of the human experience: Mind, Body, Spirit in order to activate change.

How do I expand my Mind?

  • Challenge the thoughts and beliefs that provide no benefits
  • Access the sovereignty of your thoughts and feelings

How do I expand my Body:

  • Understand the physiological processes of thoughts and emotions
  • Recalibrate the chemical and nutritional make-up of our physical bodies

How do I expand my Spirit:

  • Access the power of intuition, intention and energy of your Higher Self
  • Challenge limiting beliefs about your potential and immortality 

Possible Methods

  • Meditation
  • Hypnosis
  • Sound/Energy Therapy 

Talk Therapy

This method utilizes verbal conversation with our Self in order to break through the biases and indoctrinations of the Ego.

Possible Steps

  • Awareness and Acknowledgment of negative core beliefs
  • Address shame, guilt and trauma
  • Reconnect with our innate sovereignty with accountability
  • Create a new narrative of the past, present and future

Possible Modalities

  • Attachment styles
  • Personality Profiling systems
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Therapeutic Activations and Expansion

Therapeutic activities are designed to recalibrate the higher Self by distracting the Ego and any other blocks we might have.


  • Imbed new beliefs within the Self while the Ego is distracted
  • Address the Self through existential/spiritual experiences
  • Activate new/stronger connections with partner while the Ego is distracted

Possible Modalities

  • Gridwork activities
  • Plant medicine therapy
  • Heart/mind opener therapy

How do I Create, Activate and Empower my New Life?



Do you know your level of self-awareness?

How honest am I with myself?

Embody who are and want to be.


How far are you willing to go?

How do I stick with it?

Focus on solutions, not problems.


Where do you get your confidence?

How do I motivate myself?

Focus on your Intuition and Desire.